Please click on the enrollment application button above to apply for enrollment at School House Academy and get on the waiting list.

School House Academy currently has one location at 312 S Main St. in Heber City. We are located here while we build our larger facilities that will be located at 700 School House Way in Heber City.

Families may schedule tours Tuesdays & Thursdays between 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. Please email in order to schedule your tour.

Registration Process

School House Academy (SHA) is licensed by the State of Utah Office of Childcare and abides by their child to teacher ratios by age group. Classroom sizes are capped by state regulation. SHA will work with families on the wait list to best accommodate the waiting list and community enrollment needs.  

School House Academy will not admit any infant, toddler or preschooler in to the program without documentation of current immunizations, as required by Utah law. 

Required immunizations:

Children who are not old enough to get the vaccinations are allowed to enroll and attend as long as when the child comes of age they get all required vaccinations.

Please have the following items ready for the registration meeting (you may upload these documents through our registration/application portal or bring copies with you to our registration meeting: